Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I dedicate today to *Julie*

Okay, a little background....Rick and I own Sierra Adventure Sports and are friends with a lot of great adventure racers, who we happen to think are some of the best athletes around...So I know this chick (we'll call her *Julie* until I get her permission to chat about her) who is a Phx firefighter and a real bad ass adventure racer! Her arms are like ROCKS - I'm not kidding ladies, I've never seen anything like it. Can you imagine carrying around those hoses and stuff? I mean you really have to keep yourself in top notch shape in order to do some of the things these fire fighters do. Anyway, I told Dave that I wanted *Julie's* arms (he's friends with her too). After my workout today I had to sit in my car for a few minutes before I could turn the wheel. Does that tell you a little about my workout? Just a little? I use to call my biceps Fear and Retribution....now it's me who is fearful of Dave's retribution :)

The entire time I'm thinking about the Ironman swim. Upper body strength is key! Today's workout is dedicated to *Julie's* biceps...what an inspiration they are!

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