Friday, April 17, 2009

A Note From Kim Nelson

Tomorrow is the Women's Adventure Race and I'm super excited! I'm seriously looking to come home with a medal around my neck for this one.

Our team name is Little Fish Energy Lab. HA-HA It's an inside joke that would take too long to explain - but it's freakin hilarious to the rest of us. Dare I say, this race is dedicated to the "wanna be" Nelson's? LMAO

Watch for my post on Sunday or Monday for a race report and pictures....should be an adventure for sure...

Kim Nelson :D


The Chaser said...

I get it...good one. I wish Team ODP was going after this one :(

Vickie Nelson said...

LOL...I am just getting around to reading your last few updates. This is funny!!! Kim Nelson...hahahahahahaha