What I was suppose to do, but what I did.... Peanut Butter Sickness.... Canal Crash oooorrrrr......... My Sunday (aka my period is coming) blues.....
So, after you read today's post go back and pick your own title for today....how's that?
Let's start with, What I was suppose to do, but what I did. The weekend plan was to go biking up in Prescott Saturday and out with my women's group on Sunday.. Neither happened. Instead, Rick and opted for a hike on Mtn Lemon. This was my first trip there and it turned out to be better then I expected. I'm not a huge fan of Tucson so my expectations were not very high....my mistake.
The hike started well, until my tummy starting feeling sick. As much as I love peanut butter I just cannot do any activity after I eat it or my stomach gets upset and I knew this. I didn't even think about it before though and had a peanut butter sandwich before we started. ugh... It all turned out fine and we enjoyed a nice trail for a couple of hours. Does anyone else get worried about bears when they hike or is it just me?
Sunday I woke up for my ride, sat down on the couch and fell back to sleep. ooppss...missed the whole thing. Now, I could have jumped on my bike and did a ride myself but it didn't happen. I was so tired and I've had some bloating so instead Rick and I took the scooters out looking for good garage sales and then home for some King's Hawaiian bread French toast....YUMMMYYYY... It was really nice reading the paper, eating and watching Sunday Morning on TV. Something we have not enjoyed in months.
The guilt of not getting a ride done did eat away at me all day and then Dave sent me an email, how was your ride?....dammmmit Dave!!!
That about sums up my weekend. I'm going to register for Saturday's Splash n Dash so come on out and cheer me on or better yet, swim with me!
See you outside peeps...
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