My day started with a 6:00am mtn bike ride with my friend L.J. (name hidden to protect the innocent) and it was super fun!! We went around, up, over, down and through some great trails at Papago Park and I'm thrilled to say that I didn't fall one time today! (I've had some challenges on my mtn bike :) Thanks for a great ride L.J.
Knowing that I needed to finish up my 60 mile ride today I brought both of my bikes, (see photo) so I headed to Tempe Town Lake to finish-er-up. I knew of a great trail thanks to Dave and so off I went. What I quickly discovered was that I like clipless pedals. What a huge help they are on hills and again, not one fall! I played around some by pulling my feet off and on while riding just to get use to them until OUCH....the nose of my seat kinda got in the way. Enough play time, let's get busy.
What I dreaded the most was the 8-mile run I saved for today. Ugh...it's SO HOT! Nevertheless I headed home to drop off my bikes, medicate my sick puppy (see below) and change clothes. Here I go..of to the gym. I'm pretty good just over 3 miles and then the sweat is so bad that by the time I wipe my forehead, it's dripping again. I could feel it dripping off my elbows...I was pretty miserable. At this point I decided I was getting overheated so I took it down to a half mile walk half mile run....it took me about 90 minutes to finish it up and thank God! I could not have done a minute more.
Before I left home I grabbed my swim bag just in case I had a little extra energy to swim 400 meters. After the run I was more interested in just cooling off so I changed, hopped in the pool and just relaxed for several minute. My body is tired, but if I could just do 400 meters I will have done a great job today so here I go...25 meters at a time and WHAM, my 16 laps are done and I can now go home.

Waiting for me at home is my sweet dog Jack. He's very sick with Kennel Cough and the Dr. says he's near pneumonia. Even though Jack was vaccinated for Kennel Cough, it's not a guarantee. Watch for signs...Jack started coughing and hacking and his happy-go-lucky personality changed almost overnight. He's lost weight and although he's been on medication for nearly a week, he's not getting any better. Our Dr. told us it could be 10 days to a month before he shows any signs of recovery.... :( Get well soon Jack....

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