Saturday, February 21, 2009

Goin Green? Hummmm

Well I did it! I met my goal today of riding 60 miles. WOW, I can't even believe I made it. Yes I can...I knew I could make it but I didn't know how long it would take and how tired I would feel. I started to crash at about mile 50ish. My stomach would not take any more Shot Blocks or Sharkies so my legs were pretty sluggish towards the end.

So check this out ladies. How many times have you gone to the bathroom and discovered your undies are on inside out? Seriously, think about it. Do I flip them back over now that I discovered it or is that like wearing them twice? Geez...what do I do?? Ooppss Did I just announce that I don't wear a thong? Ouch...okay, I wear "granny pannies" and I won't ever wear a string up my @ss - EVER! I'd be pickin my seat all day!!! Yeah, yeah, Rick HATES the granny's but some things I will not compromise on. are probably wondering WHY I'm talking about my undies. See those bike shorts in the photo? Those are riding boxer shorts on the OUTSIDE of my bike shorts! SHUT UP!! The undies are on the WRONG SIDE! I'm not that big of an idiot. I actually did that on purpose. I really like the extra pad on long rides but those boxers crawl up my thighs so I was thinking...hummm....I don't plan on seeing anyone while riding so why not put them on the outside, right? Sounds logical. It kinda worked. They still crawled but it was more manageable since I had shorts under.

I signed up for a 1/2 Ironman distance race on Aug 1st. I'm pretty anxious about it.. Whenever I really start to think about the distances I get pretty scared so I try not to put a whole lot of thought into what I'm doing distance wise. It's getting closer - I can feel it!

1 comment:

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I hear you on the thong thing. Hate those things. And on the PMS thing, but I have it for nine months now.